Thursday, November 5, 2009

Literature Circles Discussion

Hey Guys,
on tuesday we had our first Literature Circle Discussion on our group book which was called The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle. My group was Chloe, TJ, and Eric. Unfortunately me and Chloe did not do our discussion sheets, so then Mr. Thomas gave us a laptop and we finished our discussion sheet. Me and Chloe finished our discussion sheets around the same time, so after we finished our discussion sheets we discussed it with TJ and Eric. One of the things I liked from the book was how the auther made the important warning at the beginning of the book. The warning kind of told us a little bit about the story. After Chloe finished discussing her sheet we were done so we read. After around 3 minutes of reading, Humanities was done so we had to go.

Thanks For Reading,
Catherine T

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blog Entry #2

Hey guys, it's me Catherine!! So the past few weeks we've been studying about social scientists and there are five kinds of social scientists an Archeologist, Paleontologist, Historian, Geographer, and last but not least an Anthropologist. If I had to choose to be one of five social scientists I would choose to be a Archeologist. The reason want to be an Archeologist is because they get to dig up and find all these ancient things like lost cities and they also find artifacts and I find that stuff interesting. To find lost cities that no one knew existed until you or your group found it!!!!

Thanks for reading guys!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blog Entry #1

Hi, my name is Catherine I'm the only child in the family. Sometimes I like to read, I also like to chat to my friends on the internet and love playing with my puppy! My mom is from Vietnam and my dad is from France so I'm a mix.

-The last 3 books I have read is So Totally Emily Ebers by Lisa Yee, Olivia Kidney and the Secret Beneath the City by Ellen Potter, and I am currently reading New Moon by Stephenie Meyers.
-The last movie I've seen was about two days ago and it is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K Rowling.
-My academic goal is to do well in dance.
-And my social goal is to read all of the Twilight Series.
-My favorite vacation memory is the first time I went skiing in Switzerland.
- I am short, cute, funny, and random!!
See you guys